Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Mission Tripper Returning

My name is Carla and in two days I will leave my cozy home in Hoboken, New Jersey for my second service trip with Hoboken Cares. I cannot think of a better way to welcome in the month of November, a month of giving thanks, than by being with the children of Mustard Seed and by working alongside the beautiful men and women who care for these children.

As I pack my suitcase and open my heart to the experience that awaits me in Kingston, I am feeling…

Excitement, that I get the privilege of learning from the children of Mustard Seed once again.
Fear, that children I met and loved last year will have gotten worse or may even be gone.
Joy, to see children so uninhibited and vibrant in their songs, hugs, and prayers.
Relief, at knowing and remembering what is truly important in my life and in the world.
Anger, that there are so many more children who need help and are not getting it.
Gratitude, for our team’s strong leaders, for the chance to be a part of this week, and for all of the blessings in my life.

I know at this moment that I need to pull myself out of my comfortable NYC bubble and throw myself headfirst into a week of emotions, challenges, joy, and love. The daily obstacles in my life are insignificant compared with the challenges that our children in Jamaica live with everyday. Their courage in the face of hardship, joy in spite of physical limitations, and their hope despite desperate conditions have helped me remember what is truly important for the last 365 days. I miss them and I need that reminder again.

~ Carla (2nd Trip)

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