Thursday, November 15, 2012

Worry-free Wednesday

Today we got to return to Jerusalem. Since the team completed our task of measuring the kids at this location ahead of schedule, we returned to Hoboken Cares roots.....physical labor with Miss Lillieth and Mr Smith.  Over the years, these two have become family to me as have many the Mustard Seed staff. It's not always easy to have people in your life that you see once a year and it seems like old times immediately at the first handshake.  Thank you both for always making us feel welcome.  Thank you also to Leroy, Kevin (K-JAM), Natalia, and all of the staff at Sophie's place among others.  You will always be family in my book.

We also had the pleasure of celebrating my sonsor son's 9th birthday. Auntie Clovel threw a party like only Martha's House and Dare to Care can. We love these kids so much and it was such an honor to celebrate his birthday with them.  Thank you to Auntie Clovel and her staff for watching out for these kids. They are becoming such great young men and women right before our eyes and it is all due to the love and devotion of these fine people that treat this children and raise them as their own. I'm worry free this Wednesday because I know my sponsor son and his friends are in such great hands. 

~ Kevin (7th Year)

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