Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our Friend Anthony aka "Tony" (Sunday)

Today was a very tough day. Anthony died. He was gregarious, loving, and so happy. He was a child of God who has touched our lives in so many ways. Anthony was a resident of Sophie's Place and had hydrocephalus, was blind and also deaf. Because of all this he was closer to God and showed our group what life is about every time we held his hand, touched his ears, or sat with him. We'd like to share our letter of thanksgiving to him with you.

Dear Anthony,

I want to thank you for being who you were. You had this amazing way of connecting with people through your touch that I will never forget. The first time you grabbed my hands and held them to your ears was something I'll never forget. You took my hands and struggled to help me understand what you wanted me to do. But as soon as I understood and held my hands tight on your ears a peace came over you and you smiled. It clearly felt good for you...and honestly, it changed my life. It was all so simple- you just wanted touch. You just wanted to connect with me. You wanted to feel and to share love. In that moment you touched my heart.

Some people have felt sorry for you. They have asked why you were living with so many struggles. The answer became so clear over the years- God was using you to change the world. You had the chance to touch the life of every person that ever visited Sophie's Place. And through them you touched even more lives. I've heard stories over the years about this boy in Kingston that suffered from hydrocephalus that just wanted people to hold their hands over his ears and when he did his face lit up. Yep, you were kind of a big deal around here. People sat with you for hours and held you. And in those moments you truly were changing the world. So for that, we thank you Anthony.

While we struggle to know what we are on this earth for and what we are "doing" with our lives you have always been a reality check for us. Our jobs, relationships, to do lists, cell phones, blackberries, family and numerous other distractions are always pulling at us and telling us that if we did this or that we'd be happy but you made us sit down and just be. You only cared that we cared enough to sit with you and hold your hand. You didn't care what car we drove, how much our bonus was, who we were dating, or what clubs we belonged to. You didn't care how skinny, fat, pretty, ugly, or smart we were. You just cared that we were. We were there when you needed us and we let you lead us. Thank you for making us less than we care to be and more than we ever could be.

You were also an amazing friend to the other boys at Sophie's Place. I remember so many times walking into your cottage and you would be sitting next to TyTy and Reinhardt and all three of you would be smiling. I'm sure they are going to miss you. Honestly, I already miss you. Knowing you aren't downstairs right now sleeping and knowing that I don't get to hold your hands tomorrow makes me sad. But I also know that your work here is done. You have touched enough people that will go on and touch so many other people. Your hands have touched me and my hands will go on to touch others. You truly have created a world of people that have learned from you and have come closer to God because of you. You were and you are special.

Our sadness in losing you is only matched by our joy in knowing that you are with God. The smile you used to bring to my face by holding my hands is again on my face thinking of you dancing and singing in heaven. God's light that has always shone out from you is lighting the sky tonight and continues to touch the world.

Thank You Anthony for doing God's work.


Team Hoboken

While we are devastated by the news of Anthony's death we are fortified that Anthony had a life. Mustard Seed is home to so many children who have been abandoned and without the work that we do children like Anthony would not be able to live day to day let alone change the world. Our team's challenge, as it has always been, is to strip ourselves bare of our "normal" lives and to immerse ourselves in the work Mustard Seed is doing in Jamaica. Then we have to determine how we can take this experience, make it our own, and change the world. Each of us shares in the responsibility to make sure that all children are taken care of and are loved. Our mission goes on. The mission of Mustard Seed goes on. Anthony's mission goes on.

--The Hoboken Cares Team


  1. rest in peace, anthony - you will be missed by so many... for a little guy, you sure made a big impact. xoxo

  2. God bless you all for the amazing work you're doing!!! This story brought tears to my eyes. I'll pray for your team that you have a safe trip and that god give you the strength to deal with heartache such as this one. Lauren - if you read this, we are all so proud of you and your team!

    God Bless ~ Love Jenn & Steve Zori
