Sunday, November 1, 2015

Best Weekend Ever

Meeting at the airport was the first time our team finally met as a whole!  With all the prep work and fundraising over the past several months, we couldn't belive we were finally ready to go!  After a quiet, sleepy flight we made it to Kingston--and the heat was a bit of a shock to our bodies.  Smooth sailing through customs and a long drive towards Jacobs Ladder brought us to a beef patty rest stop.  Once getting to Jacob's Ladder we were instantly greeted with smiling faces from the residents here.

Our team is four vetrans (Andrew, Jordan, Christina, and Iryna) and four rookies (Jessika, Jen, Lindsay, and Britt).  While the veterans know what to expect, the rookies are experiencing everything for the first time.  The anticipation leading up to meeting the residents quickly vanished. As soon as we stepped out of our front door the residents were coming right up to us, giving hugs and being curious about who was staying at their home. Although like with any new situation there was a little hesitation at first, once a resident grabs your hand or gives you a hug and a laugh the fear of what you have not experienced before completely disappears.

After a tour of Jacobs Ladder, which is always expanding and growing in projects, we enjoyed some social time in the gazebo.  Some friendly chat and sharing quickly turned into a dance party!  Andrew's speakers and Christina's DJing skills got the residents very excited.  Britt and Jordan were quickly wisked to the dance floor for a slow dance and a tango.  Jen and Iryna were nearby, playing with the residents on the swing set.  Lindsay and Jessika slowly acclimated to their new surroundings by chatting with a few residents over their hobbies and favorite activities. A new four-legged friend also joined the party with a little incentive from the resident--grabbing bread from the kitchen.

With a long day of travel behind us we all enjoyed some much needed sleep.  Being renewed and restored we all woke to a wonderful breakfast made by Kevin.  Kevin is our missions team representitve and is part of our MSC team, along with Bashy our security guard and Alonzo, our driver.  We enjoyed some pancakes, eggs, sausage, bananas, and Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.  Sunday mass was in nearby Ocho Rios at Our Lady of Fatima Roman Catholic Church.  The parish greeted our group with open arms. The view surrounding the church was complemented by the loving community inside. It was a wonderful experience felt by those who practice Catholicism and those who do not.

It was soon time for another long ride in the bus. We were on our way to Matthew 25:40 in which Lindsay took in all of the scenery of Jamaica while most others took a nap. The community of boys was highlighted by the veterans of the the group as one of the best days of the trip. When we arrived the boys were ready to start playing! Some veterans said hello to those they had made connections with in prior years while the newbies adapted to the high energy of the group. Andrew, Iryna, Jessika, Lindsay, and Jen quickly began playing some soccer and frisbee with the boys.  Christina, Britt, and Jordan had a chance to chat with some of the boys and enjoy some coloring and balloon-blowing fun.

The visit to Matthew was shorter than usual because we are actually staying at Jacob's Ladder, instead of the usual Sophie's Place, because of renovations going on at Sophie's.  This means a long hour-and-a-half drive home.  After some quick showers we enjoyed another wonderful home-cooked meal.  Andrew was especially happy with the "Jamaican chicken" that he looks forward to each year.

During some refleciton time the recurring theme was the simplicity of sharing love with people who were strangers to most of us.  Our visit is short, but the impact is big.  We all hope the simple pleasures we experienced today will stay with us long after this trip because today's lesson is one to remember.

The weekend has passed and initial meetings have been made, it is time to start the work week. We will be finding our way to Sophie's Place and Mary's Child on a bright and early Monday.

Christina (9-year Veteran)
Jessika (Rookie)

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